Yazan: 1:37 pm
Kategori: Görsel Sanatlar, Sanat

Tahmini okuma süresi: 4 dakika

İbrahim Cain – The monster part

İbrahim Cain - The monster part

“Yedi kadın ve yedi duygu, İçimdeki karanlık yanım ve yaşadıklarım.”
İbrahim Cain.

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
The Desire
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

Everything begins with a dose of hope,
a few feelings, and then a hunger kills me inside.
He takes what he wants to satisfy his brutal desires.
He pushes me to remember irrational memories to allow
himself to do what he desires, to fulfill his dark crave.
He comes to me when I am alone and gives me a dose of trance,
not for my enjoyment but to slake his desires.
His desires and loneliness want him to control me,
to enjoy what he wants without any consequences.

Where am I from this ?
Do I have to bear the consequences ?
Damn me, Damn them.
Show me yourself and take what you want
and achieve what I cannot do.
He appears to take what he wants and gives me what I want,
and leaves me alone in this chaos,
he comes after a deep sleep to achieve his trance desires.
How dare you leave and keep me alone in this chaos?
I almost reached the top, I was happy.

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
The Trance
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

Who is that?
She was here long time ago!
What should we do to take her on a round of fatal trance,
to start together on a journey full of mystery?
Do what you want.
This is for you take it before it’s gone.
I have a cave that accommodates the entire trance in the whole world.
Let me control this part of the trip,
I will take what I just want and you take the rest,
and when I’m done, I’ll go back to my cold dark cave.
I’ll be in isolation, ready for any call from you.
Here I am!

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

Are you here?
What happened? Floods have stopped.
Why did not you leave me here?
You are weak Let me be.
Let me control, Give me control.
Take the wheel and go.
I am now in a deplorable state.
There is something choking me.
I will go to your cave to relax.
See what I found, she was miserable.
She wants what he could not give her.
Don`t show up.
Stay away.

I will control her; I will take what I want.
Aphrodite sent her to me not to you, you dont deserve her. What did you do? How did you do this? Was I absent all this time? When and where have you gone? This is because you came. Dont bother.
It was a dose for me and for you.
Go now and take what you want.
Look! She is alone and miserable.
She is dying just give her a dose of lust.
I cannot stay with a spirit that has been eaten by days.

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
The Mistake
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

How did you show up? Where did you come?
it is not worth it to wake up from my sleep.
You stay there. You won’t need me on this trip.
Damn! How stubborn!
Let`s go to another trip.
There is nothing here to feed on.
You were right! I will feed my ego then we can go.

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

Who is there?
Are you the hope? Or trance?
Do not wait, go and see.
What happened?
Nothing is the weakness,
the weakest thing I have ever seen.
She is not enough for me, how could be enough for you?
Do not come. Stay in your cave.
You won`t be of beneficial.

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

She came back again from nowhere.
How and why? Is there anything for me here?
Is there a rapture that fills my soul?
Or is it another illusion?
Stay close I might need you.
But now let me take care of things on my own way,
she is worn out by the days.
She is a delusion, give her a chance and treat yourself.
She is going to be far anyway.
If you don`t love yourself, how the hell your going to love somebody else?
She is a delusion.
Just move forward.

İbrahim Cain - The monster part
The light
December 2019
Oil on canvas 30*40

She is the light in the darkness.
Let her come.
You stay away, don`t come.
Do you remember what we did when we associated together?
Give me control this time.
A dose of trance caused me paralysis.
Do you want me here?
Stay beside me, but without any harm.
She is a beautiful soul that is blinded by loneliness.
Now what are you waiting for?
I don’t know I think I’m forced, anyway, it will be a dose of light.

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Last modified: Ağustos 25, 2020

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